Tempest of the Stellar War

Chapter 1183 - The Quarter-finals

Chapter 1183: The Quarter-finals

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The quarter-finals saw a big upset, with the elimination of the Military Affairs.

At this point, the teams that advanced to the quarter-finals were born.

Saruman Snake battle team, Sea Queen battle team, Sword Shield Rose battle team, Soulless battle team, Zero Degrees battle team, Dynasty battle team, Sky Arrow battle team, and Child of Light battle team.

The representatives of the most powerful colleges in the current Milky Way Alliance were born. Every one of the weak links of these eight teams had undergone a series of trials before they reached the quarter-finals. This was evident by watching the qualifiers and the past competitions. But the current organizing committee of the events did not seem to be very satisfied with this. They believed that this setup played to the strength of the teams.

After the confirmation of the quarter-finals, the SIG organizing committee also issued the rules of the subsequent matches. Actual combat would be used in the quarter-finals, semi-finals, and finals!

Aslan would provide all the mecha for the competition. Do not feel bitter. Among the Milky Way Alliance, only Aslan had such a strong capability, so they could do it.

In view of the strength of the teams that had advanced to the quarter-finals, the competition would be held in the military demonstration field of the Aslan military. This was a very large demonstration field that had no problem holding other massive heavy weapons, let alone the mecha. This was because the surroundings of the demonstration field were defended by the Super Zesus-level energy shield, and according to threats, this protection could be intensified as well.

On the one hand, it was the internal testing ground of the military, and at the same time, it undertook the special forces competitions both at home and abroad. The safety factor was the highest level of the Milky Way Alliance.

But this was actual combat.

Although the annual casualty rate of the special forces competitions had remained within the five-percentage point, some casualties were still unavoidable. According to the current healing conditions, this number would be lower for SIG.

It was not used by the SIG in the past because the SIG competitors’ control was very mediocre, and they attacked without thinking. However, this year’s SIG was different – the skill levels were unusually terrifying. Using juvenile methods could not demonstrate one’s value.

Although there had been numerous opinions these couple of days, when this statement was confirmed, it caused a huge sensation. The competitors in the top eight were not bothered because for them to have come this far, they would obviously not be afraid to face any challenges. A star would surely be born, and likewise, a star would fall.

Those who had been eliminated put down their luggage because their “face” was incomparable to the battle that was to come, and no one wanted to miss witnessing the moment that would make history. The upcoming battles would inevitably display the raise of stars and the fall of stars

The competitors would have to consider the damages; thus, the quality of the bench was very important. Using the special forces’ tactics, the vacancy could not be filled. For instance, during the team battle, regardless of the number of members, they would have to partake in the team battle. If the whole team was defeated, they would be eliminated immediately.

Of course, this was a more extreme situation, and it rarely happened in the special forces’ competition.

However, this was the SIG. Furthermore, in recent times, many countries had requested to open this battle. Since they believed that the military schools’ students should have the temperament of soldiers, why should they not allow it?

While it would not be open to the outside world, it should be opened to the military schools. The embassies of various countries had also requested it.

In the end, the latter matches would be opened to the major military schools in various countries, while imposing eighteen prohibitions. This rule was necessary considering the cruelty of the battle.

Once this news was announced, it caused an extraordinarily heated discussion among the military schools across the countries. The same heated discussion was taking place in a strong school like Elite Academy X as well. Looking at the configuration of the top eight, only Elite Academy X had two teams that had advanced to the quarter-finals. Other strong regions, like Aslan and Arbiter, only had one team that had advanced to the quarter-finals. Furthermore, there was an internal conflict in the Elite Academy; otherwise, the result may have been better.

On an actual battlefield, this was a provision that most of the military schools did not have, and it was also where it would best reflect the true strength of the team.

As a result of this, videos of the previous matches were spreading uncontrollably too.

Of course, these were not what Aina was concerned about. In response to Kashawen’s aggressiveness, the only retaliation that she could provide was to encouragement attention and expand her sphere of influence. So long as her influence grew, the possibility of Kashawen controlling the game would be greatly reduced. She had to consider the risks. Aina knew that compared to this, Kashawen had to consider much more and more comprehensively than this.

She wanted Kashawen to be weary and not let up. She wanted to stop the actual combat, but she could not. After all, she was just a princess, and she could not provide a public challenge. Therefore, this linske taking advantage of the situation and nib the problem at its roots.

Kashawen did not deliberately stop Aina. Aina needed to demonstrate her abilities in order to mature. Furthermore, this response was worthy of sixty points.

The reactions of all the countries were rather enthusiastic. The breakthrough of the Atlanteans and the Mayans had fuelled the expectations of many countries. However, the military schools from the Solar System were, surprisingly, the most popular. Whether it was Earth, the Moon or Mars, they were virtually in a state of madness. When they learned that they could see the battles of the top four, they went berserk because the first team of two of the teams was from the Solar System. To the Solar System, this was like a seasonal rain after a long drought because the two teams from the Solar System had been eliminated in the early stages. Although these two teams represented Elite Academy X, the captains were both from Earth, from the Solar System.

Both Wang Zheng and Lear could not have imagined how popular they had become now, not only among the military schools, but also among some comprehensive colleges. They were called the revival symbols of Earth’s civilization. Needless to say, as the heir to the Chronos family, Lear had lived like an idol, and he had carried this status to the stage of the Milky Way Alliance.

Wang Zheng was a representative of another dream. He was an unknown youth before he became the strongest king and led the Saruman Snake battle team to invincibility. It was like living a dream.

Of course, the Atlantis Sea Queen battle team was now the most popular among the major teams, reaching the top through super counterattacks.

Good looks, mystical, powerful, and elegant; these were the characteristics of the Atlanteans. Furthermore, with the victory in the previous match, Atlantis’ influence, which had faded somewhat over the years, had returned instantly.

The humans had always respected the strong.

Beside the Sea Queen battle team, who had emerged as the champion, the other two teams that were the most popular were the Saruman Snake battle team and the Sword Shield Rose battle team.

The other five teams each had their own merits, especially since they had already reached this far and were thus worthy of respect.

The quarter-finals would take place two weeks from now. This week would be the final preparation stage for the major teams. It would be an exaggeration to permit Aslan to provide actual training for all the SIG teams, but Aslan could do it for eight teams.

The list of the mecha required by the eight teams would be allocated to the competition field. Everyone would adapt their time and training accordingly. At the same time, the mecha would be under surveillance.


It was obviously to prevent someone from “playing tricks” on the mecha. In actual combat, once there was a problem with the mech, even if it was only a loose screw, the consequences would not be merely failure, but death as well.

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