What The Luck!?

Chapter 338 - 338. Nightmare Level

As soon as Jackson and Sammy had fallen through the floor they were met with an endless darkness. "We are fine, just find the key to the basement!" Jackson and Sammy were sure that Jane and Asher would be able to get them out. 

"The door to the basement said freedom, right? That should mean the exit is down here. So we might have gotten lucky." Jackson was trying to think on the more positive side of things since he knew that Sammy was worried about the darkness. However, he was also shocked to find that he was not able to see as well. 

This wouldn\'t make much sense, but Jackson had a super power that enhanced his body to the pique of humanity. This meant that he had better vision than most people. For there to be a place with so little light that even he thought it was dark then that would mean Sammy was in the pitch black emptiness with only his voice. 

Taking a chance, Jackson reached out and grabbed Sammy\'s arm. Unfortunately, he felt it was cold. "Sammy, are you alright?" Jackson\'s worry could be felt in his tone. However, when he heard Sammy\'s reply he was a lot more shaken than before. 

"Yes, I am fine. That slide down was rough but I think I found a light switch." The sound of her voice was from the opposite direction he had grabbed her arm. The sudden green light that took over the room and caused the two of them to see just what was going on made them freeze in shock. Jackon on the other hand was worse off. 

In his hand, he held a grey flashy cold arm. His breath caught in his throat as his hand instinctually tightened and he whipped it down to try and get it free. The arm flew across the room and hit a paper hung on the wall. Sammy had already been attracted to it and was about to read when she saw the arm hit the wall.

"Jackson! You threw an arm! A whole arm!" The fright in Sammy\'s voice brought her from her shocked state and Jackson was also brought back to reality. He rushed to Sammy\'s side trying to calm her down and after a few moments, the two were able to get their hearts under control. "What is this." There were no other words from Sammy as she pointed at the poster that seemed to be painted in blood. 

"Umm, it says… I was pushed down the stairs and fell to pieces here. Find my parts and put me back together. The second key will be granted for freedom." The two were looking at each other with complete disgust. They were drawn to the arm and knew what the poster was saying they should do. 

"The basement is not the exit...is it?" Sammy wanted it to be the secret exit but there was not such a thing. There was just a table with a chalk outline of a body and torso. The arms, legs, and head were missing. 

"This is so messed up. Why did we come to this haunted house?" Jackson was completely done with this place but realized that he had no way out and needed to play along with the ga,e they had signed up for. 

With a groan and a slight grind of his teeth, Jackson grabbed the arm and hurriedly attacked it. "That\'s one. Let\'s just get it done fast. I will move them if you don\'t want to." Sammy couldn\'t help but to blush slightly watching Jackson tough it out. 

However, she could not allow him to shoulder all of the grossness. "We are a team, let\'s do this." The pair proceeded to tear the basement apart. One leg was found underneath a pile of trash in the corner. Another arm was stuck on the ceiling with some unknown sticky slime that seemed like ectoplasm. 

The final leg was sitting right on the steps to the basement. Neither of them had checked it because they were avoiding the stairs. They knew they couldn\'t get out without a key and didn\'t want to waste the time. But when they found it they realized that they were still missing the head to the grey toned body. 

They scanned the room over and over until a small glint of light caught Jackson\'s eye. "It\'s under the stairs...and it\'s looking at us." The glint was the eye moving to look at them from the spot it sat under the stairs. 

"How can a fake body...it\'s looking at us." Sammy saw the eyes of the head moving as well. Jackson knew that expecting Sammy to go over and pick it up was the wrong call and it would never happen. The head continued to shift its eyes every second while Jackson bent down to pick it up. The twitches and looks were making bother of them incredibly uncomfortable. 

"Just put it there quick and let\'s get the key." Sammy\'s voice had become a fearful whisper. She watched as Jackson put the head in place. The green glow of light increased and the body parts snapped together as if they had never fallen apart. 

"Finally, I shall have my justice." The body stood and stretched itself revealing a key in its hands. It walked up the stairs chuckling the entire time and opened the door. 

The sound of Asher and Jane screaming at the top of the stairs caused Jackson and Sammy to rush up to them. "The key didn\'t work! What\'s this thing?! Where are Jackson and Sammy!" The shouting was coming from Asgher who had Jane behind him. The body that Jackson and Sammy had assembled mumbled about justice before going up towards the second floor. 

The body was halfway up the stairs when it turned, "Leave my home or forever dwell here!" The four were not going to be told twice. They sprinted the opposite way toward the kitchen. 

"The door is locked! The door is locked!" Sammy was the first to reach it and Jackson was about to kick the door down when Asher slammed the key in his hand to the door\'s lock. It opened with a click and the four sprinted from the back door and out in to the amusement park. 

"Congratulations! These four have managed to fully clear the nightmare level of the haunted house. It has been some time before it was cleared. We thank you for the new record and apologize for the surprise. The level is random for every single participant that entered." The staff member was standing in front with a group of other staff members holding out a set of medals that said nightmare clear on them. 

"But but but...that was terrible." Sammy just mumbled until Cara, ran over to help talk her down.  Laura ran to Jane and did the same. Jackson and Asher just stood with Art and Louis who were just sitting there worried. 

"Ummm, we saw the video and you guys won. You guys won a lot." Art didn\'t have much else to say because there were not many words at all for the nightmare level that had just trumped the fact that the other four had basically just walked through an easy little haunted house fun adventure in comparison. 

"What Art said. And if you guys need anything...well, we have it covered." Louis wasn\'t sure what they would do to calm down Jackson and Asher. However, their words seemed to calm them down a lot. 

The group was left alone by the staff that realized that they probably should put more warnings in better and more easily seen places now. They also moved to set up an additional prize package. As the group left and wandered toward the Ferris wheel talking them through their experience they had taken the prizes without another word. 

"It was just too much. Some body that we had to put together and then it walked." Sammy was rambling on about the same sight again for the fourth time. 

"That was an actor. He had a puppet super power that controlled those things. He was sitting on top of the haunted house and controlling it all. Since we said we were with you guys they told us that we could watch and be there when you got out. They did say that you four were much tougher than the previous winners." Art hoped that this would make the four feel better and it appeared to help a little. 

Asher cleared his mind and took a very deep breath. "I think that I am over haunted houses for a long long looonnnggg time. But it was a good experience to train our minds. I can\'t imagine a worse villain attacking me than what I thought while in there." He tried his best to put a tough face on. This visibly made the other three look more relaxed and they followed Ashers\' lead taking their own deep breaths.. The full group stood in front of the Ferris wheel as the sun set fully. 

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