The Sage of Einar

Chapter 354 - New Test Subjects

Einar, who was in his office, looked at the document in his hand with a smile.

In it, he analyzed the different nutritional data for the children, taking into account part of his mistake with his daughter Norma.

This time there were special meal plans for children with allergies, lactose or gluten intolerance, as well as special cases such as diabetes or arterial hypertension.

To begin with, if a child cannot eat something because he gets sick like milk or wheat, the nutrients will be replaced with other things.

How is a double portion of fish or the use of corn or potato in the food.

Although there were not too many options, Einar would do everything possible to guarantee that the children.

They could have a very happy and worry-free childhood, especially for children with diabetes. Fenugreek was promoted.

Fortunately, only Norma was the only girl who suffered from this disease, but there were two adult slaves who also suffered from this disease.

Einar would meet with them in the afternoon, as he would talk to them about joining his research plan to get insulin from pigs.

All this so that little Norma could have a normal life, Einar was not interested in wasting the lives of thousands of pigs to get animal insulin.

The first thing he knew was that slow insulin was got from animals, pigs and cows.

Therefore, he will focus his research on pigs, since they were the animals with greater reproductive and growth capacity than a cow.

In the afternoon, the door of Einar\'s office was knocked on and two men appeared, who looked quite thin and sick.

"Welcome Snell and Nold, I have called you because I know you suffer from sweet urine disease.

I have a way of managing their illness so that they can have full lives and are not impaired of any kind.

But it is important to know if you are willing to participate in this experiment, if you accept, you will receive a stable income.

You will also have the nationality for your families and you, as you will be helping people who suffer from the same disease of sweet urine.

I am not going to force you to accept this deal, but you must remember that you can die in the tests, as this is just an experimental process.

I hope you can understand it. Think about it because it is a way in which you can improve your lives and spend more time with your families.

Also, as part of the things they will receive will be the ability to have medical treatment and moisturizers.

Well, if I\'m not mistaken, her skin is dry, and it hurts a lot, right? "

The two men nodded. Snell looked at Herald Einar. "I am willing because I want to live longer than my father.

He died when I was a child, so I don\'t want to end up dying like he did. If there is a way to treat this disease, I am willing to agree to participate in the experiment. "

Nold, for his part, just sighed and looked seriously at Einar. "I would like to participate, but if I die, who will take care of my family?"

Einar smiled and pointed to a document on the table. "When you agree to work on this experiment, it will give you a lot of benefits that no one else has.

If you were to die from the disease or from something that happened during the experimentation, your families would receive a generous pension and would be exempt from taxes.

So their families will not be harmed or starved. Not only that, their own names will go down in history as the two great pioneers in the treatment of diabetes. "

Nold looked at Snell and scratched his head. "Since that\'s the case, I\'m willing to work on the experiment."

Einar opened his hands with joy. "Since you are willing to start the investigation from tomorrow, you can take this contract to any branch of the bank.

In order to get some tickets so that you can buy something extra for your families, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow. "

Snell and Nold took the documents and left Einar\'s office in the great room, he for his part, got up from his chair and also left.

This because he was going to go to the morgue because he had to continue dissecting the corpse of a pig.

According to what little he could remember, the pancreas is near the stomach to isolate the insulin. He had to use alcohol and before he could inject a person; he had to purify it sufficiently.

This is because an excess of insulin could kill a person, but if it is not purified, it would cause a contrary reaction.

To test the insulin that he will take out, he would use rabbits, this to measure the level of insulin that he got.

If the rabbit died, it was because the insulin was highly concentrated. If the rabbit suffered from a fever, it was because the insulin was poorly purified.

If the rabbit did not show a reaction, then it could be tested in humans, in this case Snell and Nold.

This would prove two things, that the insulin was in the correct amounts or that it was too dilute to generate a favorable response.

It would be a trial-and-error process in which many pigs and rabbits would be killed to find the correct method of obtaining the insulin.

Einar used that method because there is at least one place to start, in the case of yeast, he does not even know how the process of creating insulin is done.

Upon arriving at the morgue, he put on his work clothes and greeted Sia, who was waiting for him, she as his assistant, had the obligation to hold Einar\'s notebook.

Well, Einar had to draw the parts of the pig and know exactly where the pancreas was, because with a live pig, he was thinking of using an needle to get the fluids inside the pancreas.

It might seem like a pretty primitive method, but he had been an engineer and historian, not a doctor or researcher.

On the autopsy table, Einar used a scalpel to open the body of the pig that was face up. When he opened it, he used his gloved hands to separate the skin.

In the stomach, he looked for an organ that had an elongated shape.

It didn\'t take long for me to find something near the small intestine that was elongated and that was close to the pig\'s liver.

"This organ seems to be the pancreas, but now let\'s see what is inside it, in an animal that has only been dead for 3 hours."

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