Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 248 Master Level Skill: Green Warrior

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Rex\'s fists smashed golem monsters until they bled.

The only time when his fists got to rest was when he passed out but yet his rest time didn\'t last long since the pain of the strength steroids always woke him up just a few minutes or hours after he slept.

At this moment, he was like a slave that was enslaved in a recurring timeline of masochistic training where he had to try his best to get stronger.

As the Golem monsters\' strengths increased, so also did Rex\'s strength increase though he barely noticed it as the titanic struggle continued.

Throughout, his screams of pain were the main constant that never changed.

Hiding at a safe location on top this training chamber, the Tiajutsu expert ancestor Bam watched the proceedings with a calm look on his face.

"His hand-to-hand skills are average at best but it is to be expected since he is a swordsman, what is really incredible is his vitality".

"Even among same-graded vampires, his vitality is impressive".

"This makes things a lot easier, he can take more pain".

"Afterall, pain is the gateway to strength".

The next moment, Bam gave the order as 2 more strength steroids were injected into Rex\'s body. Veins literally snaked out of his eyes as he roared in pain.

Rex\'s temperature increased to the extent where his blood boiled.

His thirst for blood increased as he hunted the Golem monsters more fervently while roaring in pain and anger of not being able to escape his situation.

As the fight dragged on, Rex\'s strength and those of his enemies increased.

His temperature increased to the extent where his sweat and blood started evaporating into bloody mist, it was unbearable pain and strength.


You have activated vampire ability: Cell Regeneration!

You have activated vampire ability: Blood Rejuvenation!


With these 2 vampire abilities, Rex was able to keep himself afloat.

No matter how much damage his body suffered and no matter how much blood he lost, with these 2 skills, they were recovered in no time.

After another day of battle, Rex\' strength increased again. With this increase came another increase in temperature, the sweat and blood evaporating from his body formed a bloody mist so thick that the training chamber seemed like hell.

In this hell, Rex whose skin was now extremely red charged at the golems with renewed strength as he clashed against them like a maniac.

For the first time, Rex became truly unstoppable before the golems as he slaughtered them for 4 hours straight till he finally relapsed and collapsed again.

This time, he collapsed after achieving his goal.

"He achieved above 5000 strength in 3 days, impressive".

Bam gave another order as another type of injection was injected into Rex\'s bloodstream. The potent tranquilizer was able to neutralize the residual effects of the strength steroids, finally relieving Rex of his pain.

Rex woke up after 16 straight hours of rest to a system notification.


[Your strength has increased by 1,095 points in 3 days]

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the passive ability: Way of a Pugilist]

>Way of a Pugilist: When fighting one-on-one battles even while using a weapon, your close-combat instincts are 80% sharper than normal<

[Remark: You\'ve unlocked the ways of a masochistic Pugilist.]


On opening his eyes to see the bright light illuminating the training chamber, Rex felt a splitting headache like his head was about to fall apart.

He grabbed his head in pain and closed his eyes.

This was when the voice floated to his ears like the whispering of the devil. "You\'re awake?"

As soon as he heard the voice, Rex\'s eyes snapped open in rage as he sprang up. "How dare you…?"

"I did it for your own good". Bam did not back down as he replied coldly. "Without pain, you have no chance at grabbing strength".

"That does not give you the right to torture me!" At this moment, Rex\'s rationality was already clouded by anger as he remembered the pain that he was put through. "You can\'t justify that inhumane treatment!"

"We\'re not humans, we\'re vampires".


Bam smirked. "If you\'re so upset, take your anger out on me".

"I thought you said you\'d displace my position in the elder statues".

"Being such a coward won\'t help, what if it was your girlfriend that was being tortured, with you being such a coward, she\'d regret…"


You have activated skill: Zone!

You have activated Advanced Shadow Skill: Shadow Doppelganger!

You have activated Advanced Shadow Skill: Dark Arrow!



This time, Bam\'s words really turned a nut on Rex\'s head.

With his eyes literally blazing red with fury, Rex activated his zone skill which rapidly increased his concentration. He watched this ancestor of his like a hawk as he created 2 doppelgangers of himself who all threw dark arrows.

Bam reacted on time to dodge all the dark arrows but this was all Rex needed, having stretched out his hand since, Berserker finally arrived.

Rex grabbed his sword with the same anger and exploded with a speed that was fueled by his rage.



You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Master of the Elements!

You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Precision Slash!

You have activated Master Level Blackfire Skill: Oxygen Manipulation!

You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Phoenix Ash!


This time, Rex went all out on the offensive and abandoned defense.

His attacks reverberated like thunderclaps as they tore everything in the air asunder. Bam was prepared for his attack, this war veteran counterattacked.


You have activated vampire ability: Cell Regeneration!


"You taught me well mad man!" Rex growled in fury.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The pace of the battle increased to an incredible level in just a few minutes as Rex withstood all his opponent\'s counterattacks and started pushing him back, with his cell regeneration ability, he was able to exceed his previous level.

His proficiency with his sword was already at the mystic sword domain, now fueled by his anger, Rex was literally now unstoppable as he clashed with Bam.

Despite all that he tried though, he could not overpower this man.

Rex was frustrated. "Why? Ahh…!"


You have activated Advanced Blackfire Skill: Self Combustion!

You have activated Advanced Level Sword Skill: One Autumn Leaf- Planetary Devastation Slash!



After catching him off-guard with his sudden combustion, Rex finally found the window of opportunity and he took it ruthlessly with the planetary devastation slash that literally left a wake of destruction in its path.

Amid all the debris that followed, Rex hoped for it to have finally happened but he was disappointed as Bam climbed out of the rubble.

"Nice move, but you still can\'t…!"

"DIE!!!" Rex yelled in frustration and fury.

His frustration, fury, and disappointment at this moment grew so strong that Rex awakened a strange power. Though the battle had been ongoing for less than 5 minutes, it was extremely intense as sweat filled his body.

As Rex exploded forward with speed fueled by his rage again, this time, his sweat was also affected as they seemed to develop a strange attribute.


You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Precision Slash!


He activated the Precision Slash master level skill again but this was no ordinary precision slash, this time, it was coated by an aggressive green energy.

Sweat was a reward of hard work, Rex\'s sweat already soaked in all his frustration and fury and at this moment took that as its energy to empower the Precision Slash to an even more ridiculous level.

In Rex\'s most angry moment, he did it.

Bam struggled to defend as the sword slash descended like a tsunami.


Congratulations! You have learned a new Master Level Skill: Green Warrior!

You have activated Master Level Tiajutsu Skill: Green Warrior!



The training chamber literally got ripped in twain.

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