The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 72 72: Misella

Atlas walked down the stairs. His heart, which had been calm for the most part ever since he arrived in this new body, was thumping.

He wanted to get down, but at the same time, he felt some hesitation as he walked down the unending stairs.

Was he finally going to see Misella? He knew she was dead, but even then, he was worried as to what condition she was going to be in.

After a long time, Atlas finally reached the end of the stairs, only to end up in a secret chamber that was nothing but dark.

The small chamber lit up as Lilith arrived and used a spell. Lancaster and Yovana both arrived as well.

"This place..." Lancaster\'s lips parted as he noticed where he was. This place... This was so... He couldn\'t find words to speak at the moment as he saw the chamber.

There were many coffin-like cases in this place, and all of them were made purely of transparent glass to allow someone to gaze inside.

There were over a hundred such cases, and each case contained a lifeless body inside. Some bodies belonged to me who were in their early twenties, others belonged to kids, and some belonged to girls.

All the bodies here had a bite mark around their necks.

Just as everyone was distracted by the sheer number of bodies, Atlas started walking on his own.

With a blank look on his face, he walked to a coffin in the middle. A young girl who was only fourteen years of age was lying inside the coffin. Even though she appeared as if she was peacefully sleeping, it was evident that he was dead. Her clothes were covered in blood from the last time.

Atlas placed his fingers on the glass of the coffin as he gazed at his sister\'s lifeless body. His eyes became somewhat wet, and a single tear trickled down his eyes.

"Lancaster," Atlas called out to the young man behind him.

Lancaster ran to Atlas.

"She is Misella... My sister... The one I failed..." Atlas explained, gazing at the young lady in the coffin. "Even when she was alive, she never had a moment of happiness. I wanted her to show the entire world when we were going to be free. But I..."

Lancaster rubbed the shoulder of Atlas. "It wasn\'t your fault. I\'m sure you would\'ve saved her if you could. Don\'t blame yourself."

"Moreover, so what if she\'s dead on earth? Her soul will now be in heaven. She will have all the happiness in the world there. So don\'t feel bad."

"Not yet. There\'s still one thing I\'m yet to do," Atlas took a deep breath.

He opened the glass coffin and reached out his hand to the young lady inside the coffin, but before his hand could even touch her, he stopped as he noticed the blood on his hands.

The blood on his hand had dried, and he didn\'t have time to clean them. However, the blood wasn\'t the problem. Misella\'s clothes were already covered in blood after all.

What really troubled him was what the blood implied. It implied that he wasn\'t the same old person. He was also one of them... He was also a Vampire who drank the blood of others. He was also one of the people who killed her in the first place. He wasn\'t the weak innocent brother of Misella anymore. That person had died the first moment he drank blood.

In his blood-covered hands, he saw a glimpse of Carlisle... He retracted his blood-covered hands and took a few steps back.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Lancaster supported Atlas and stopped him before he could hit the coffin that was behind him to trip over.

Atlas clenched his fist. "I am alright."

"Lancaster, could you do me another favor? I promise I\'ll forever be grateful to you."

"What favor? You just have to say it."

"Pick up Misella and carry her with me. I don\'t want her to be touched by a Vampire like me. She deserves better than that."

"But..." Lancaster had many questions in his mind, but as he saw the seriousness of Atlas, he didn\'t ask any of them. He just nodded. "If that\'s what you want."

He stepped forward and picked up the blood-covered body of Misella.

As Lancaster picked the body, Atlas told him to come with him. Everyone left the secret chamber and went back to the Throne Room.

Standing in the Throne Room, Atlas glanced at Yovana. "You have some authority in this Kingdom. Arrange one for us."

"We are going to the Kingdom of Wolves?" Yovana asked.

"Not yet. There is one more place we need to go first," Atlas answered. "Lancaster, please take care of my sister for a little while. I\'ll be right back."

Atlas left the Palace, leaving even Lilith behind. First, he went to the old house of Lancaster and used some water to wash the blood off his body before tossing his bloody clothes away.

He brought the clothes that were worn by Castiel at the start. The Royal Clothes of Carlisle didn\'t have even a speck of dust on them.

He wore the new clothes and left the house. If he looked like a vagabond in old clothes, now he looked like a wealthy young prince.

Atlas ran back to the Castle after getting ready. By then, Yovana had already arranged a carriage.

As Atlas ran back to the castle, he had to go past the same Arena where he was forced to commit a massacre. While running past that place, he noticed something which made him stop in his tracks.

He could see a young lady sitting with her back resting against a wall as if she was waiting for someone. It was like that woman was yet to notice Atlas.

Atlas appeared behind the young lady like a Ghost. "Lia?"

Lia was stunned to hear that voice again. She stood up and stepped back. "It\'s you! You came to kill me as well?"

Atlas seemed slightly confused hearing her nonsense, "Why would I kill you?"

"The same reason you killed them all? Because you\'re a bloodthirsty Vampire!" Lia responded. "You lied to me! You used me! You... You..."

"It\'s true that I lied to you, but I don\'t think I\'ve ever used you. Remind me of one instance where I actually made you do anything for me?" Atlas asked, seemingly confused.

"You tried to blow me up instead. I don\'t even once try to harm you. If I wanted, I could\'ve killed you a thousand times before. And I can even kill you this instant."

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